Welcome to Caring Hearts Feline Rescue!

Animal Success Stories
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Gold Finger

Goldfinger was caught in a terrible illegal claw trap in September 2016. He made the news! He lost three toes to amputation, but his leg and foot were saved.  He needed time for healing and rehab, but tough he had been through some terrible ordeals, the very sweet, loving boy began to emerge.

In November he was finally ready for discharge from the vet and spent a few weeks in his foster home. At last he was ready to find his forever family! And the perfect family he found. Here is Gold, who got a new family and a new name just in time for Christmas.



Steve is proof that there is the puur-fect family out there for every kitty! Steve came to us as a very sick kitten in July 2017 and took some time to get healthy. Then it seemed all his buddies kept getting adopted, but he just could not find that magic family for him.  Then just before Christmas that family contacted us, completed an application. It was love at first sight. We have heard wonderfully happy reports from his furr-ever family. 


An alert person walking her dog noticed two tiny kittens under a bush. After waiting for some time to see if their mother would return, she knew that they needed help. Aragorn and his brother, Jinx, came to live with us when they were less than 12 hours old. They had the great fortune of being adopted by a nursing momcat who happily incorporated them into her brood.  Both Aragorn and Jinx never had a sick day in their kitten lives! Aragon went to his happy fur-ever home July 1. 

Gold Finger

Goldfinger made the news in a bad way in September 2016 when he was rescued from a claw trap by the Jessamine County Animal Control officers. But he was in desperate shape with wounds to his black left foot and tail. He had infection and was is terrible pain. He was given the best of care, surgery to remove several of his toes, and a long healing process. But his future was uncertain. He amazingly adapted to the clinic but really needed his own home. Our rescue took him in at the end of October once he had been cleared medically. It took no time for him to begin friendships with the people and the cats of the home and a campaign was started to find him a home - on the news again!

Right before Thanksgiving, he went to the most wonderful home in the world where he fit right in with the people and the pets. We received a beautiful Christmas card from him. A happy-ever-after story!


Anna was brought to Jessamine County TNR on 11/5/14 from a farm of more than 20 cats.  Many of the cats were unhealthy, but she and her sister, Elsa, were less than two pounds and had severe Upper Respiratory Infections. Poor Anna's eyes were so infected they were swollen shut! After four weeks of care, Anna was so pretty she became our Christmas card kitty for 2014.  The two little sisters were adopted together into a wonderful family for a happily-ever-after story!

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